Lise Kilic

and 4 more

Modeling sea ice microwave emissivities at large scales presents challenges, due to complex interactions between the microwave signal and the sea ice environment. For the preparation of the Copernicus Imaging Microwave Radiometer mission (CIMR) that focusses on the pole monitoring, a pragmatic parameterization of the sea ice emissivity over the Arctic is proposed, providing consistent emissivity parameterizations between 1.4 and 36~GHz, for V and H polarizations. Satellite-derived microwave emissivities are calculated from AMSR2, SMAP, and SMOS observations, subtracting the atmospheric contributions and the surface temperature modulation using ERA5 meteorological reanalysis. The resulting Arctic sea ice emissivities are analyzed, alongside sea ice geophysical parameters Mercator model outputs and ERA5, to identify the pertinent variables for the emissivity parameterization. Sea ice thickness emerges as a crucial factor, particularly at 18 and 36~GHz. A large training database of coincident satellite-derived emissivities and geophysical parameters is set up, to develop a Neural Network parameterization of the emissivities based on the geophysical parameters. This pragmatic methodology establishes a direct link between calculated emissivities and physical sea ice properties, eliminating the need for a priori assumptions. Promising emissivity results are obtained, with RMSE below 0.02 for most channels, reaching 0.04 at 36~GHz. Part of the error is expected to come from uncertainties in the input geophysical parameters, especially the sea ice thickness and the snow depth above sea ice. The emissivity frequency dependence is checked, and the emissivity angular variation of the 1.4~GHz is derived from the analysis of the SMOS-derived emissivities.

Danny Min Leung

and 8 more

A key challenge in accurate simulations of desert dust emission is the parameterization of the threshold wind speed above which dust emission occurs. However, the existing parameterizations yield a unrealistically low dust emission threshold in some climate models such as the Community Earth System Model (CESM), leading to higher simulated dust source activation frequencies than observed and requiring global tuning constants to scale down dust emissions. Here we develop a more realistic parameterization for the dust emission threshold in CESM. In particular, we account for the dissipation of surface wind momentum by surface roughness elements such as vegetation, rocks, and pebbles, which reduce the wind momentum exerted on the bare soil surface. We achieve this by implementing a dynamic wind drag partition model by considering the roughness of the time-varying vegetation as quantified by the leaf area index (LAI), as well as the time-invariant rocks and pebbles using satellite-derived aeolian roughness length. Furthermore, we account for the effect of soil size on dust emission threshold by replacing the currently used globally constant soil median diameter with a spatially varying soil texture map. Results show that with the new parameterization dust emissions decrease by 20–80% over source regions such as Africa, Middle East, and Asia, thereby reducing the need for the global tuning constant. Simulated dust emissions match better in both spatiotemporal variability and emission frequency when compared against satellite observed dust activation frequency data. Our results suggest that including more physical dust emission parameterizations into climate models can lessen bias and improve simulation results, possibly eliminate the use of empirical source functions, and reduce the need for tuning constants. This development could improve assessments of dust impacts on the Earth system.

Ayan Fleischmann

and 29 more

The Amazon River basin harbors some of the world’s largest wetland complexes, which are of major importance for biodiversity, the water cycle and climate, and human activities. Accurate estimates of inundation extent and its variations across spatial and temporal scales are therefore fundamental to understand and manage the basin’s resources. More than fifty inundation estimates have been generated for this region, yet major differences exist among the datasets, and a comprehensive assessment of them is lacking. Here we present an intercomparison of 29 inundation datasets for the Amazon basin derived from remote sensing-based products, hydrological models and multi-source products. Spatial resolutions range from 12.5 m to 25 km, and temporal resolution from static to monthly intervals, covering up to a few decades. Overall, 26% of the lowland Amazon basin is estimated as subject to inundation by at least one product. The long-term maximum inundated area across the entire basin (lowland areas with elevation < 500 m) is estimated at 599,700 ± 81,800 km² if considering only higher quality SAR-based products and 490,300 ± 204,800 km² if considering 18 basin-scale datasets. However, even the highest resolution SAR-based product underestimates the local maximum values, as estimated by subregional products, suggesting a basin-wide underestimation of ~10%. The minimum inundation extent shows greater disagreements among products than the maximum extent: 139,300 ± 127,800 km² for SAR-based products and 112,392 ± 79,300 km² for the overall average. Discrepancies arise from differences among sensors, time periods, dates of acquisition, spatial resolution, and data processing algorithms. The median total area subject to inundation in medium to large river floodplains (drainage area > 1,000 km²) is 323,700 km². The highest spatial agreement is observed for floodplains dominated by open water such as along the lower mainstem rivers, whereas intermediate agreement is found along major vegetated floodplains fringing larger rivers (e.g., Amazon mainstem floodplain). Especially large disagreements exist among estimates for interfluvial wetlands (Llanos de Moxos, Pacaya-Samiria, Negro, Roraima), where inundation tends to be shallower and more variable in time. Our data inter-comparison helps identify the current major knowledge gaps regarding inundation mapping in the Amazon and their implications for multiple applications. In the context of forthcoming hydrology-oriented satellite missions, we make recommendations for future developments of inundation estimates in the Amazon and present a WebGIS application ( we developed to provide user-friendly visualization and data acquisition of current Amazon inundation datasets.

Xudong Zhou

and 2 more

Land surface water is a key component of the global water cycle. Compared to remote sensing by satellites, both temporal extension and spatial continuity is superior in modeling of water surface area. However, overall evaluation of models representing different kinds of surface waters at the global scale is lacking. We estimated land surface water area (LSWA) using the Catchment-based Macro-scale Floodplain model (CaMa-Flood), a global hydrodynamic model, and compared the estimates to Landsat with 3″ spatial resolution at the global scale. Results show that the two methodologies show agreement in the general spatial patterns of LSWA (e.g., major rivers and lakes, open-to-sky floodplains), but globally consistent mismatches were found under several land surface conditions. CaMa-Flood underestimates LSWA in high northern latitudes (e.g., the Canadian Shield) and coastal areas, as the presence of isolated lakes in local depressions or small coastal rivers is not considered by the model’s physical assumptions. In contrast, model-estimated LSWA is larger than Landsat estimates in forest-covered areas (e.g., Amazon basin) due to the opacity of vegetation for optical satellite sensing, and in cropland areas due to the lack of dynamic water processes (e.g., re-infiltration, evaporation, water consumption) and constraints of water infrastructure (e.g., canals, levees). These globally consistent differences can be reasonably explained by the model’s physical assumptions or optical satellite sensing characteristics, and applying filters (e.g., floodplain topography mask, forest and cropland mask) to the two datasets allows the remaining local-scale discrepancies to be attributed to locally varying factors (e.g., channel parameters, atmospheric forcing).