Coastal retraccking using along-track echograms and its dependency on
coastal topography
Although the Brown mathematical model is the standard model for waveform
retracking over open oceans, coastal waveforms usually deviate from open
ocean waveform shapes due to inhomogeneous surface reflections within
altimeter footprints, and thus cannot be directly interpreted by the
Brown model. Generally, the two primary sources of heterogeneous surface
reflections are land surfaces and bright targets such as calm surface
water. The former reduces echo power, while the latter often produces
particularly strong echoes. In previous studies, sub-waveform
retrackers, which use waveform samples collected from around leading
edges in order to avoid trailing edge noise, have been recommended for
coastal waveform retracking. In the present study, the peaky-type noise
caused by fixed-point bright targets is explicitly detected and masked
using the parabolic signature in the sequential along-track waveforms
(or, azimuth-range echograms). Moreover, the power deficit of waveform
trailing edges caused by weak land reflections is compensated for by
estimating the ratio of sea surface area within each annular footprint
in order to produce pseudo-homogeneous reflected waveforms suitable for
the Brown model. Using this method, Jason-2 altimeter waveforms are
retracked in several coastal areas. Our results show that both the
correlation coefficient and root mean square difference between the
derived sea surface height anomalies and tide gauge records retain
similar values at the open ocean (0.9 and 20 cm) level, even in areas
approaching 3 km from coastlines, which is considerably improved from
the 10 km correlation coefficient limit of the conventional MLE4
retracker and the 7 km sub-waveform ALES retracker limit. These values,
however, depend on the coastal topography of the study areas because the
approach distance limit increases (decreases) in areas with complicated
(straight) coastlines.