Sustaining Water Conservation: A Synthesis of Research on Motivators,
Message Tailoring, and Tactics
We reviewed 80 studies from behavior sciences, environmental psychology,
resource management, and health communication fields to learn why some
voluntary message campaigns sustained conservation behaviors. We found
past campaigns reduced residential water use by 0.6% to 54% and
reductions lasted less than 1 year. The most effective campaigns
included a public plea, social comparison information, easy-to-adopt
conservation tips, and linked to additional resources. Effective
campaigns also targeted different socio-psychological drivers, such as
intention, altruism, peer pressure, and perception of ease or difficulty
in adopting new conservation behaviors. To help users sustain
water-saving behaviors for longer periods of time, we suggest managers
(a) learn user’s intentions and informational preferences, (b) launch
feedback programs during critical periods such as a drought, (c) state
what the water authority is doing to achieve the conservation goal, (d)
customize message content based on a user’s attitude and information
preferences, (e) target one easy-to-implement conservation action at a
time, (f) praise efficient behavior, (g) communicate through a variety
of internet, paper, and other mediums, (h) regularly update message
contents, (i) encourage users to publicly commit to conservation, (j)
publicly recognize water savers, and (k) allow users to share their
conservation experiences.