Wolfgang Steinbrecht

and 10 more

Routine ground-based measurements of total ozone column (TOC), as well as ozone profile soundings started in the late 1960s in Germany. The resulting ozone and temperature records at Hohenpeissenberg and Berlin / Potsdam / Lindenberg show long-term changes similar to other stations in Central Europe, and to the changes seen globally. Following the increase of ozone depleting substances (ODS), stratospheric ozone has declined from the 1960s until the 1990s. Since about 2000, ozone has leveled or slightly increased, consistent with declining amounts of ODS. The stratosphere has been cooling and the troposphere has been warming, in agreement with general expectations due to increasing greenhouse gas concentrations. The clearest signs of recovering ozone are seen around 40 km altitude. Two factors contribute to this increase: the decrease of stratospheric chlorine loading and cooling of the upper stratosphere, which slows gas-phase ozone destruction cycles, and enhances the ter-molecular reaction producing ozone. Tropospheric ozone has increased substantially from the 1960s to the early 1990s. Since then, it has remained more or less constant, on a level higher compared to the 1960s and 1970s. Particularly low tropospheric ozone was observed in 2020, due to reduced precursor emissions during the COVID-19 related lockdowns. The atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases will likely continue to rise, while the concentrations of ozone depleting substances are expected to slowly decline. To see how the atmosphere responds, and to help understand future changes, continued monitoring will be required for many years to come, both over Germany and worldwide.

H. J. Ray Wang

and 18 more

The Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III on the International Space Station (SAGE III/ISS) was launched on February 19, 2017 and began routine operation in June 2017. The first two years of SAGE III/ISS (v5.1) solar ozone data were evaluated by using correlative satellite and ground-based measurements. Among the three (MES, AO3, and MLR) SAGE III/ISS solar ozone products, AO3 ozone shows the best accuracy and precision, with mean biases less than 5% for altitudes ~15–55 km in the mid-latitudes and ~20–55 km in the tropics. In the lower stratosphere and upper troposphere, AO3 ozone shows high biases that increase with decreasing altitudes and reach ~10% near the tropopause. Preliminary studies indicate that those high biases primarily result from the contributions of the oxygen dimer (O) not being appropriately removed within the ozone channel. The precision of AO3 ozone is estimated to be ~3% for altitudes between 20 and 40 km. It degrades to ~10–15% in the lower mesosphere (~55 km), and ~20–30% near the tropopause. There could be an altitude registration error of ~100 meter in the SAGE III/ISS auxiliary temperature and pressure profiles. This, however, does not affect retrieved ozone profiles in native number density on geometric altitude coordinates. In the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere (~40–55 km) the SAGE III/ISS (and SAGE II) sunset ozone values are systematically higher than sunrise data by ~5–8% which are almost twice larger than what observed by other satellites or model predictions. This feature needs further study.