Reconciling detrital zircon and fish faunal evidence for
Miocene-Pliocene drainage reorganization and basin integration of the
Snake and Columbia Rivers
Miocene-Pliocene strata in the Pacific Northwest preserve a rich record
of landscape evolution and coincident faunal shifts. Considerable
research efforts in the past century have been aimed at understanding
major drainage reorganization and its relation to tectonics, volcanism,
climate change, and aquatic biota. Many studies have focused on fish
fossils, which show that Miocene fish diversity, particularly
salmonoids, displays great adaptive plasticity. However, the details and
mechanisms for river reorganization are still debated. Here we present
new and recent detrital zircon provenance results from modern and
ancestral river sands collected throughout Oregon, Washington, and
Idaho. We synthesize our new results and interpretations with existing
paleontological evidence for basin isolation and drainage capture.
Detrital zircons from the Columbia Basin (CB) consistently show
populations derived from the Snake River Plain (SRP) throughout late
Miocene-Pliocene time. However, comparisons of Miocene-Pliocene detrital
zircons from the CB to modern major rivers and tributaries in the CB and
SPR show that the upstream eastern SRP is a major contributor. CB strata
do not require zircons sourced from the western SRP, where Pliocene Lake
Idaho existed in a large, deep, and occasionally internally drained
basin. Based on the age and provenance results, we suggest that the
transiting Yellowstone Hotspot divided the modern SRP into two basins:
the western basin was isolated and possibly closed, while the eastern
basin drained northward into the modern Clark Fork and Columbia Rivers.
This scenario is consistent with fish, mollusk, and rodent fossil
evidence from the SRP and CB. In addition, the detrital zircon data
indicate a Miocene confluence of the Columbia and Clearwater rivers
south of the Saddle Mountains anticline, but north of the current
Columbia-Snake River confluence. We also find that the Salmon River may
have been captured by the Clearwater River sometime between 4.6 and 8.5
Ma. Prior to this time, the Salmon River likely drained into the SRP.
Lastly, we find that faunal localities in southern Oregon suggested to
contain evidence for fluvial connection between the western SRP and
California are ~2.5 Ma, younger than the incision of
Hells Canyon.