Exploring the impact of the rise of Greenland-Scotland Ridge on ocean
circulation and climate
Changes in the geometry of ocean basins have been influential in driving
climate change throughout Earth’s history. Here we focus on the
appearance of the Greenland-Scotland Ridge (GSR) and try to understand
its impact on the ocean state, including global circulation, heat
transport, T and S properties and ventilation timescales, which will be
useful for interpreting paleoproxies. To this end, we use a coupled
atmosphere-ocean-sea ice model with idealized geometry and consider two
geometrical configurations. The reference configuration (noridge)
comprises two wide strips of land set 90° apart extending from the North
Pole to 40°S, separating the Northern Hemisphere ocean into a small and
a large basin. In the ridge configuration a zonally symmetric oceanic
ridge, that extends across the Atlantic-like basin at 60°N, mimicking
the GSR, is added. In addition, we consider two climatic limits of
noridge: a warm case where the northern high latitudes are seasonally
ice-free and a cold case where a perennial sea ice cover is present. In
both cases of noridge deep-water formation occurs at the North Pole in
the Atlantic-like basin. When the ridge is introduced, the flow of warm
Atlantic water to the high latitudes is hampered and the ocean heat
transport across 70°N decreases by ~60% which causes
cooling and freshening north of the ridge. Downwelling shifts south of
the ridge, thereby altering the structure of the upper overturning cell
dramatically. Despite these changes, the Northern Hemisphere surface
climate response is surprisingly small for the warm climate case. This
is because the subpolar gyre circulation continues to transport warm
water across the ridge, keeping the northern North Atlantic relatively
warm and ice-free. In the colder climate case, however, the presence of
sea ice provides a strong non-linear feedback, which amplifies the
cooling induced by the ridge, and causes sea ice to expand. Our results
highlight the possible disconnect between changes in the localization of
deep-water formation, the structure of the AMOC and the properties of
water masses and changes in Northern Hemisphere climate. Implications
for the interpretation of paleoproxy records from the North Atlantic
region will be discussed.