June 14, 2023
The Repetition Period of MeV Electron Microbursts as measured by SAMPEX/HILT
Hamdan Kandar, Lauren W Blum, Mykhaylo Shumko, et al.
September 11, 2023
Bounce Resonance between Energetic Electrons and Magnetosonic Waves: A Parametric Stu...
Shujie Gu and Lunjin Chen
June 23, 2023
Statistical properties of lower band rising tone chorus waves
Jiabei He, Zhiyang Xia, Lunjin Chen, et al.
June 26, 2020
Statistical Study of Chorus Modulations by Background Magnetic Field and Plasma Densi...
Zhiyang Xia, Lunjin Chen, Wen Li, et al.
May 05, 2021
Observational evidence of the excitation of magnetosonic waves by an He++ ion ring di...
Seth G. Claudepierre, Xu Liu, Lunjin Chen, et al.
July 17, 2020
A universal kinetic equation solver for radiation belts
Liheng Zheng, Lunjin Chen, Anthony Arthur Chan, et al.
August 15, 2020
Alpha transmitter signal reflection and triggered emissions
Wenyao Gu, Lunjin Chen, Zhiyang Xia, et al.