How sphericity combines with the age and width of slabs to dictate the
dynamics and evolution of subduction systems on Earth
The role of Earth’s spherical geometry in modulating the evolution of
subduction zones is poorly understood. Here, we simulate multi-material
free-subduction in a 3-D spherical shell domain, to investigate the
effect of plate thickness, density (combined approximating age) and
width on the evolution of subduction systems. To isolate the role of
sphericity, we compare results with equivalent Cartesian models. The
first-order predictions of our spherical cases are generally consistent
with existing Cartesian studies: (i) slabs retreat more, at a shallower
dip, as plate age increases, due to increased bending resistance and
sinking rates; and (ii) wider slabs can develop along-strike variations
in trench curvature, trending towards a ‘W’-shape, due to toroidal flow
at slab edges. We find, however, that these along-strike variations are
restricted to older, stronger, retreating slabs. When compared to slabs
in Cartesian models, in a spherical domain: (i) slabs descend faster,
due to the convergence of downwelling material with depth; (ii) these
faster sinking rates reduce the time available for bending at the
trench, resulting in effectively stronger slabs; (iii) the curvature of
slabs increases their effective strength; and (iv) the curvature of the
transition zone tends to enhance slab stagnation. These differences
between spherical and Cartesian cases become more prominent as slab
width increases. Taken together, our results suggest that Cartesian
models are suitable for simulating narrow subduction zones, but
spherical models should be utilised when investigating subduction zones
wider than ~ 2000 km: at such length-scales, the
consequences of Earth’s curvature cannot be ignored.