Brian Anderson

and 7 more

Characterization of Earth’s magnetic field is key to understanding the dynamics of core flows and the dynamo. Satellite measurements of the magnetic field normally use precise magnetometers on a few spacecraft to acquire data over the entire globe over periods of months to years. The advent of commercial satellite constellations of tens to hundreds of satellites may offer complementary observations, even with low-precision magnetometers, providing rapid global coverage. Here we assess whether the magnetic field data from the Iridium Communications constellation of 66 low Earth orbiting satellites can be used to determine the geometry of Earth’s main field. The Iridium satellites are in near polar, 86° inclination, 780 km altitude, circular orbits, with 11 satellites in each of six orbit planes evenly spaced in longitude. We use data from the first-generation Iridium satellites, launched in the late 1990s, and acquired for scientific analysis beginning in January 2010. Although digitized with 30 nT resolution, the uncertainties in the data are random errors so that the statistics of 300,000 samples/day allow determination of the average magnetic field in 9° latitude by 9° longitude bins to about 3 nT. The data reduction, inter-calibration, quiet interval selection, and uncertainty assessment are described. Time series of spherical harmonic coefficients are used to identify artifacts and derive maps of corrected residuals at the average Iridium orbit altitude. From 2010 to 2015 the evolution of the field agrees on average between Iridium and the CHAOS 7.4 model to within 30 nT standard deviation, or ~5 nT/yr.

Audrey Schillings

and 7 more

Geomagnetically induced currents or GICs are signatures of a rapidly time-varying magnetic field (dB/dt) and occur mainly during substorms and storms. When, where and why exactly GICs may occur, is still vague. Thus, we investigated storms for the last 40 years (from 1980 with a storm-list created by W.T. Walach) and analyzed the negative and positive dB/dt spikes (threshold of 500 nT/min) in the north and east component using a worldwide coverage (SuperMAG). Our analysis confirmed the existence of two dB/dt spikes “hotspots” located in the pre-midnight and in the morning MLT sector, independently of the geographic location of the stations. The associated physical ionospheric phenomena are most probably substorm current wedge (SCW) onsets and westward travelling surges (WTS) in the evening sector, and wave- or vortex-like current flows in Omega bands in the morning sector. Additionally, we observed a spatio-temporal evolution of the negative northern dB/dt spikes. The spikes initially occur in the pre-midnight sector, and then develop in time towards the morning sector. This spatio-temporal sequence is correlated with bursts in the AE index, and can be repeated several times throughout a storm. Finally, we investigated the intensity (Dst and AE) of the storms compared to the number of dB/dt spikes, but we did not find any correlation. This result implies that moderate storm with many spikes can be as (or more) dangerous for ground-based infrastructures than a major storm with fewer dB/dt spikes. Our findings may help to improve the GICs forecast to accurately predict dB/dt spikes.