Excessive salinity can harm ecosystems and compromise the various anthropogenic activities that take place in river deltas. The issue of salinization is expected to exacerbate due to natural and/or anthropogenic climate change. Water regulations are required to secure a sufficient water supply in conditions of limited water volume availability. Research is ongoing in seek of the optimum flow distribution establishing longer-lasting and fresher conditions in deltas. In this study a three–dimensional (3D) numerical model was used to unravel the influence of hydrographs shape on the deltas salinity. Our results show that it is possible to improve the freshwater conditions in deltas without seeking for additional water resources but by modifying the water distribution. The peak flow magnitude and timing and the tails of a hydrograph were found to be important parameters affecting stratification, freshwater residence and renewal times. Hydrographs having lighter tails and smaller range were the most successful in keeping the delta and its river inlet fresher for longer periods. Salinity distributions showed a slower response to decreasing rather than increasing river discharges. An increase in the flow rate can achieve a desired salinity standard in much shorter time. Hydrographs with heavier tails can push the salt intrusion limit further away and are more efficient in mixing the water column. However, they present low freshwater residence and high water renewal times. These results have implications for coastal scientists and stakeholders dealing with the management of freshwater resources in river deltas across the world.

Maurizio D`Anna

and 6 more

Ensemble-based simulations of future shoreline evolution to 2100, including sea-level rise driven erosion, are performed and analysed  Future shoreline projections uncertainties are initially controlled by modelling assumptions and after 2060 by sea-level rise uncertainties  The choice of wave-driven equilibrium modelling approach and incident wave chronology are critical to future shoreline projections 1 Abstract Most sandy coasts worldwide are under chronic erosion, which increasingly put at risk coastal communities. Sandy shorelines are highly dynamic and respond to a myriad of processes interacting at different spatial and temporal scales, making shoreline predictions challenging, especially on long time scales (i.e. decades and centuries). Shoreline modelling inherits uncertainties from the primary driver boundary conditions (e.g. sea-level rise and wave forcing) as well as uncertainties related to model assumptions and/or misspecifications of the physics. This study presents an analysis of the uncertainties associated with future shoreline evolution at the high-energy, cross-shore transport dominated, sandy beach of Truc Vert (France) over the 21 st century. We explicitly resolve wave-driven shoreline change using two different equilibrium modelling approaches to provide new insight into the contributions of sea-level rise, and free model parameters uncertainties on future shoreline change in the frame of climate change. Based on a Global Sensitivity Analysis, shoreline response during the first half of the century is found to be mainly sensitive to the equilibrium model parameters, with the influence of sea-level rise emerging in the second half of the century (~2050 or later), in both Representative Concentration Pathways 4.5 and 8.5 scenarios. The results reveal that the seasonal and interannual variability of the predicted shoreline position is sensitive to the choice of the wave-driven equilibrium based model. Finally, we discuss the importance of the chronology of wave events in future shoreline change, calling for more continuous wave projection time series to further address uncertainties in future wave conditions.