Thermospheric Density Perturbations Produced by Traveling Atmospheric
Disturbances during August 2005 Storm
Thermospheric mass density perturbations are commonly observed during
geomagnetic storms. The sources of these perturbations have not been
well understood. In this study, we investigated the thermospheric
density perturbations observed by the CHAMP and GRACE satellites during
the 24-25 August 2005 geomagnetic storm. The observations show that
large neutral density enhancements occurred not only at high latitudes,
but also globally. In particular, large density perturbations were seen
in the equatorial regions away from the high-latitude, magnetospheric
energy sources. We used the high-resolution Multiscale Atmosphere
Geospace Environment (MAGE) model to reproduce the consecutive neutral
density changes observed by the satellites during the storm. The MAGE
simulation, which resolved mesoscale high-latitude convection electric
fields and field-aligned currents, and included a physics-based
specification of the auroral precipitation, was contrasted with a
standalone ionosphere-thermosphere simulation driven by an empirical
model of the high-latitude electrodynamics. The comparison demonstrates
that a first-principles representation of highly dynamic and localized
Joule heating events in a fully coupled whole geospace model such as
MAGE is critical to accurately capturing both the generation and
propagation of traveling atmospheric disturbances (TADs) that produce
neutral density perturbations globally. In particular, the MAGE
simulation shows that the larger density peaks in the equatorial region
that are observed by CHAMP and GRACE are the results of TADs, generated
at high latitudes in both hemispheres, propagating to and interfering at
lower latitudes. This study reveals the importance of investigating
thermospheric density variations in a fully coupled geospace model with
sufficiently high resolving power.