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The Hawaii Dust Regime: Patterns and Variability in Aerosol Mineral Dust from MERRA-2 at Station ALOHA and the Hawaii Aerosol Time-Series
  • +2
  • Daniel Ohnemus,
  • Charlotte Kollman,
  • Christopher M. Marsay,
  • Mariah Ricci,
  • Clifton Buck
Daniel Ohnemus
University of Georgia

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Charlotte Kollman
University of Georgia
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Christopher M. Marsay
University of Delaware
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Mariah Ricci
University of Georgia
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Clifton Buck
University of Georgia
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The delivery of low-abundance, bioactive trace elements to the surface ocean by aerosol mineral dust is a major planetary control over marine primary production and hence the global carbon cycle. Variations in atmospheric dust have established links to global climate over geologic timescales and to regional biogeographic shifts over seasonal timescales. Constraining atmospheric dust variability is thus of high value to understanding oceanographic systems, especially vast, constitutively low-nutrient subtropical gyre ecosystems and high-nutrient/low-chlorophyll ecosystems where availability of the trace element iron is a dominant ecological control. Here we leverage the MERRA-2 reanalysis product to examine over four decades of surface-level atmospheric mineral dust variability in a domain of the subtropical North Pacific centered at ocean Station ALOHA. This study region has been sampled regularly since the mid-1980s and was the site of the Hawaii Aerosol Time-Series (HATS) project in 2022-2023. Two nearly semi-annual dust pulses evident in the long-term data are described and constrained. We look for evidence of shifts in total and seasonal atmospheric dust abundances and in the onset timing of the dominant spring/summer pulse, finding year-to-year variations but little evidence for long-term trends. We observe significant and complex monthly relationships between the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO) index and both dust and precipitation, offering new insights into the role of timing for increased or diminished dust delivery. We observe that 2022 was among the dustiest years for the study domain in the preceding two decades and, by contrast, that 2023 exhibited a significant early-spring lull in dust.
09 Jul 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
11 Jul 2024Published in ESS Open Archive