Emerging high-resolution global ocean climate models are expected to improve both hindcasts and forecasts of coastal sea level variability by better resolving ocean turbulence and other small-scale phenomena. To examine this hypothesis, we compare annual to multidecadal coastal sea level variability over the 1993-2018 period, as observed by tide gauges and as simulated by two identically-forced ocean models, at $\sim$1$^{\circ}$ (LR) and $\sim$0.1$^{\circ}$ (HR) horizontal resolution. Differences between HR and LR, and misfits with tide gauges, are spatially coherent at regional alongcoast scales. Resolution-related improvements are largest in, and near, marginal seas. Near attached western boundary currents, sea level variance is several times greater in HR than LR, but correlations with observations may be reduced, due to intrinsic ocean variability. Globally, in HR simulations, intrinsic variability comprises from zero to over 80\% of coastal sea level variance. Outside of eddy-rich regions, simulated coastal sea level variability is generally damped relative to observations. We hypothesize that weak coastal variability is related to large-scale, remotely-forced, variability; in both HR and LR, tropical sea level variance is underestimated by $\sim$50\% relative to satellite altimetric observations. Similar coastal dynamical regimes (e.g., attached western boundary currents) exhibit a consistent sensitivity to horizontal resolution, suggesting that these findings are generalizable to regions with limited coastal observations.

Dan Fu

and 2 more

It has been widely recognized that tropical cyclone (TC) genesis requires favorable large-scale environmental conditions. Based on these linkages, numerous efforts have been made to establish an empirical relationship between seasonal TC activities and large-scale environmental favorabilities in a quantitative way, which lead to conceptual functions such as the TC genesis index. However, due to the limited amount of reliable TC observations and complexity of the climate system, a simple analytic function may not be an accurate portrait of the empirical relation between TCs and their ambiences. In this research, we use convolution neural networks (CNNs) to disentangle this complex relationship. To circumvent the limited amount of seasonal TC observation records, we implement transfer-learning technique to train ensembles of CNNs first on suites of high-resolution climate simulations with realistic seasonal TC activities and large-scale environmental conditions, and then subsequently on the state-of-the-art reanalysis from 1950 to 2019. Our CNNs can remarkably reproduce the historical TC records, and yields significant seasonal prediction skills when the large-scale environmental inputs are provided by operational climate forecasts. Furthermore, by forcing the ensemble CNNs with 20th century reanalysis products and phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) experiments, we attempted to investigate TC variabilities and their changes in the past and future climates. Specifically, our ensemble CNNs project a decreasing trend of global mean TC activity in the future warming scenario, which is consistent with our dynamic projections using TC-permitting high-resolution coupled climate model.

Istvan Szunyogh

and 5 more

This study further evaluates the modeling approach of Jia et al. (2019) to investigate the potential effects of SST mesoscale variability on the atmospheric dynamics. The approach employs a global atmospheric circulation model coupled to a slab ocean model to produce two ensembles of simulations: one in which the ocean exhibits realistic SST mesoscale variability, and another in which the SST mesoscale variability is suppressed. The latter ensemble is produced by spatially filtering the SST analyses used for the estimation of the oceanic heat flux and the specification of the SST initial condition. The results of the present study, which focuses on the processes of the North Pacific, suggest that while the modeling approach yields the desired SST differences between the two ensembles at the mesoscales, it also introduces SST differences at the large scales that become the primary driver of the large scale differences in the simulated atmospheric flow. Diagnostics based on the eddy kinetic energy indicate that the large scale differences of the atmospheric flow lead to major differences in the dynamics of the jet stream and storm track. Because the large scale SST differences between the two ensembles are primarily driven by the differences between the prescribed estimates of the oceanic heat fluxes, finding a proper pair of those estimates is a necessary condition for the experiment design to detect the atmospheric response to SST mesoscale variability. The paper concludes with proposing a new strategy for the estimation of the oceanic heat fluxes.
This study investigates the influence of oceanic and atmospheric processes in extratropical thermodynamic air-sea interactions resolved by satellite observations (OBS) and by two climate model simulations run with eddy-resolving high-resolution (HR) and eddy-parameterized low-resolution (LR) ocean components. Here, spectral methods are used to characterize the sea surface temperature (SST) and turbulent heat flux (THF) variability and co-variability over scales between 50-10000 km and 60 days-80 years in the Pacific Ocean. The relative roles of the ocean and atmosphere are interpreted using a stochastic upper-ocean temperature evolution model forced by noise terms representing intrinsic variability in each medium, defined using climate model data to produce realistic rather than white spectral power density distributions. The analysis of all datasets shows that the atmosphere dominates the SST and THF variability over zonal wavelengths larger than ~2000-2500 km. In HR and OBS, ocean processes dominate the variability of both quantities at scales smaller than the atmospheric first internal Rossby radius of deformation (R1, ~600-2000 km) due to a substantial ocean forcing coinciding with a weaker atmospheric modulation of THF (and consequently of SST) than at larger scales. The ocean-driven variability also shows a surprising temporal persistence, from intraseasonal to multidecadal, reflecting a red spectrum response to ocean forcing similar to that induced by atmospheric forcing. Such features are virtually absent in LR due to a weaker ocean forcing relative to HR.

Guangzhi Xu

and 4 more

The irregular shapes of atmospheric rivers (ARs) and the scarcity of sounding data have hampered easy AR composite analyses and understandings about AR’s moisture transport mechanism. In this work we develop a method to composite AR-related variables from a reanalysis dataset. By averaging a large number of samples, the three dimensional structure and some evolutionary features of a typical North Pacific AR are revealed. An AR is typically located along and in front of the surface cold front of an extratropical cyclone. A meso-scale secondary circulation is observed in the cross-sections of the AR corridor, where both geostrophic and ageostrophic winds make indispensable contributions to the strong moisture transport. Geostrophic moisture advection across the cold front within the Equatorward half of the AR is created by the baroclinicity of the system, and serves as the primary moisture source of the AR-resided atmosphere. Moisture fluxes from the warm sector of the cyclone are primarily due to ageostrophic winds within the boundary layer, and are more important within the poleward half the AR, particularly during the genesis stage. The faster movement speed of the AR compared with low level winds enables the ARs to collect downwind moisture. While within the Equatorward half moisture transport is mostly attributed to geostrophic advection carried along by the propagating AR-cyclone couple. Driven by the intensifying geostrophic winds, ARs tend to reach peak moisture transport intensity about two days after genesis. Then reduced moisture and influxes from lateral boundaries prevent further moisture flux intensification.

Gaopeng Xu

and 8 more