Das2 describes a collection of cooperating programs originally created
to support daily review and analysis activities of the Cassini Radio and
Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) investigation. The system proved useful and
is now relied on for rapid access to working data sets from many
planetary missions including Mars Express and Juno, as well as
ground-based radio astronomy results from the Nançay Decameter Array and
Long Wave Array 1. As more teams have begun using das2 tools, the need
for updates to what was largely an in-house protocol have become
apparent. Though Autoplot continues to be the most flexible and commonly
used das2 client program, interfacing with other tools would benefit the
research community. We will provide an overview of recent updates to the
das2 interface definition supporting redundant servers and federated
data source catalogs. We will describe a cross site deployment between
Southwest Research Institute and the University of Iowa to aid
collaboration among ASPERA-3 and MARSIS investigators. We will give an
update on the status of new client libraries for NumPy and IDL, as well
as das2 stream adapters for HAPI and VOTables. Finally, we will describe
how working data sets can be published in-place by registering das2 data
sources with a VESPA EPN-TAP service.