Ionospheric Dawnside Subauroral Polarization Streams: A Unique Feature
of Major Geomagnetic Storms
Strong subauroral plasma flows were observed in the dawnside ionosphere
during the 20 November 2003 super geomagnetic storm. They are identified
as dawnside subauroral polarization streams (SAPS) in which plasma drift
direction is eastward and opposite to the westward SAPS typically found
in the dusk sector. Both dawnside and duskside SAPS are driven by the
enhanced meridional electric field in the low latitude portion of
Region-2 field-aligned currents (FACs) in the subauroral region where
ionospheric conductance is relatively low. However, dawnside eastward
SAPS were only observed in the main and recovery phases while duskside
westward SAPS were found much earlier before the sudden storm
commencement. Simulations with the Multiscale Atmosphere-Geospace
Environment (MAGE) model demonstrate that the eastward SAPS are
associated with dawnside ring current build-up. Unlike the duskside
where ring current build-up and SAPS formation can occur under moderate
driving conditions, strong magnetospheric convection is required for
plasmasheet ions to overcome their energy-dependent drifts to
effectively build up the dawnside ring current and upward Region-2 FACs.
We further used test particle simulations to show the characteristic
drift pattern of energetic protons under strong convection conditions
and how they are related to the dawnside SAPS occurrence. This study
demonstrates the connection between the level of solar wind driving
condition and a rare ionospheric structure, eastward SAPS on the
dawnside, which only occur under strong convection typically associated
with intense or super storms. Dawnside SAPS are suggested as a unique
feature of major geomagnetic storms.