The zonal equatorial wind switch of IOD variability: Lessons from a
simple reduced-gravity modelling study
Using a reduced-gravity model, this study explores the ocean’s response
to wind forcing in the South-East Tropical Indian Ocean (SETIO) during
the development phase (July-September) of positive phases of the Indian
Ocean Dipole (IOD), using the years of 2009 and 2019 for comparison.
Findings show that IOD variability is exclusively controlled by zonal
equatorial wind anomalies. In the average situation, represented by the
2009 season, westerly equatorial winds create downwelling Kelvin waves
that operate to suppress the Sumatran upwelling. In contrast, positive
phases of the IOD, represented by the 2019 season, are characterized by
easterly equatorial winds that reverse the equatorial influence, which
leads to strong coastal upwelling off Sumatra’s southeast coast. In
addition, findings show that the Sumatran upwelling involves the
formation of a strong northwestward surface flow, the South-East Sumatra
Current, that transports colder seawater into the region, which
contributes to the IOD anomaly.