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Dong Yan

and 3 more

We investigate the 3-D lithospheric thermal and rheological structures beneath Northeast China using detailed P- and S-wave velocity models following mineral physics as well as geothermal methods. Small-scale temperature changes and thermal lithosphere thickness variations between different tectonic blocks are revealed. Our results show that strong lateral heterogeneities exist in the lithospheric thermal structure and rheological structure on both sides of the North-South Gravity Lineament (NSGL). The Changbai volcanic area and the central part of the Songliao Basin in the eastern side of the NSGL exhibit higher temperatures, thinner thermal lithosphere and lower rheological strength, which are closely associated with the western Pacific plate subduction under the Eurasian continent, resulting in upwelling of wet and hot asthenospheric material above the stagnant Pacific slab in the mantle transition zone. The thermo-chemical erosion of the upwelling asthenospheric material may induce delamination of partial lithosphere under the Songliao Basin. In addition, the Songliao Basin edge is characterized by lower temperature, thicker thermal lithosphere and higher rheological strength, which may indicate a relatively stable lithosphere. The Halaha and Abaga volcanic areas in the western side of the NSGL exhibit higher temperature, thinner thermal lithosphere and lower rheological strength, which could be caused by small-scale upwelling of hot asthenospheric material associated with delamination of partial lithosphere beneath the Songliao Basin.

Genti Toyokuni

and 1 more

We present the first 3-D images of P-wave radial anisotropy (RAN) and azimuthal anisotropy (AAN) down to 750-km depth beneath Greenland and surrounding regions. The results are obtained by applying a regional tomographic method to simultaneously invert P wave arrival times of 1,309 local events and P wave relative traveltime residuals of 7,202 teleseismic events, which were recorded mainly by the latest GLISN network. A high-velocity body located beneath northeast Greenland (NEG) to its offshore exhibits a strong negative RAN and a strong AAN with N-S to NE-SW oriented fast-velocity directions (FVDs). The FVDs are generally consistent with the direction of the fold axis of the Caledonian fold belt, which is considered as an outcrop of the NEG body on land. Beneath the Iceland, Jan Mayen, and Svalbard hotspots, a strong positive RAN and a negligible or weak AAN are revealed, which may reflect effects of upwelling mantle plumes. Among the three regions, a weak AAN with a constant FVD is only revealed beneath Iceland, which may reflect the existence of background mantle flow. The RAN and AAN features beneath the Labrador Sea, Davis Strait, and Baffin Bay suggest the following scenario on breakup between Greenland and Canada: the breakup was initiated at the Labrador Sea due to local mantle upwelling, but the northward propagation of the breakup was blocked by a strong high-velocity anomaly beneath Davis Strait; the opening of Baffin Bay might be caused passively by far-field plate forces.

Genti Toyokuni

and 2 more

We study the 3-D P-wave velocity (Vp) structure of the lower mantle beneath Greenland and surrounding regions using the latest P-wave arrival-time data. The Greenland Ice Sheet Monitoring Network (GLISN), initiated in 2009, is an international project for seismic observation in these regions, and currently operating 35 seismic stations. We use a new method of global-scale seismic tomography, which sets 3-D grid nodes densely in the study region to enhance the resolution. We invert ~5.8 million arrival times of P, pP and PP waves from 16,257 earthquakes extracted from the ISC-EHB catalog, which were recorded at 12,549 stations in the world.  Our results reveal a hot plume rising from the core-mantle boundary beneath central Greenland, which is named “Greenland plume”. On the other hand, the Iceland plume rises from ~1500 km depth in the lower mantle. At depths < 1500 km, the Iceland plume might be supplied with hot mantle materials through narrow paths from a low-Vp region beneath the North Sea and/or from possible branches of the Greenland plume. We deem that, after the two plumes are joined together in the mantle transition zone (MTZ), the Greenland plume splits mainly into the Jan Mayen and Svalbard plumes in the upper mantle, supplying magmas to the Jan Mayen volcano and the geothermal area in western Svalbard, respectively. Our results also reveal a high-Vp body above the MTZ beneath northeastern Greenland. The lack of active volcanoes in Svalbard is probably due to this body obstructing the flow of the Greenland plume.

Genti Toyokuni

and 2 more