Timing Earth’s Abiotic Kitchen: Short Hydrothermal Fluid Residence Times
in Serpentinizing Oceanic Crust
Hydrothermal alteration of ultramafic rock (serpentinization) creates
extremely reducing (H2-rich) fluids in the oceanic crust, resulting in
strong thermodynamic drives to reduce CO2 to organic molecules in the
absence of life. Timescales on which such hydrothermal fluids circulate
(thus produce or destroy such organic molecules) have remained
enigmatic. In their new publication, Moore et al. (2021,
https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JC017886) present compelling
radioisotope-based estimates of fluid residence times in a widely known
site of purported abiotic synthesis - the Lost City Hydrothermal Field.
Using a model that accounts for the sorptive behavior of Ra
radionuclides during circulation, they find that fluids at Lost City
must have inordinately short residence times, averaging 0.5 to 2 yr or
less. The study represents a critical step forward in our understanding
of Earth’s abiotic organic kitchen, as it now places a constraint on the
timeframe in which such organic molecule creation should occur in such
fluids (if at all) prior to venting at the seafloor.