Heat flux estimates from a synthesis of satellite observations and a
hydrodynamic model (with application to Long Island Sound)
Estimating surface heat fluxes via direct covariance measurements or
bulk formulae is observation-intensive and costly. We present a
methodology whereby we estimate net surface heat fluxes as the
difference between the depth-integrated heat tendencies and the
depth-integrated horizontal heat exchanges in a hydrodynamic model. We
calibrate the model to achieve a good representation of mixing and
advection and then assimilate satellite sea-surface-temperature (SST)
observations into the model at an eight-day scale. The SST data
assimilation forces a good representation of observed temperatures and
heat tendencies both at the surface and throughout the water column. We
estimate the horizontal heat exchange directly from the model output and
then infer the surface fluxes required to close the budget. When we
apply this methodology to a model with prescribed surface heat fluxes
and without data assimilation, we can recover the prescribed fluxes with
an RMS error of ±10 Wm−2 and an r2 of 0.998. When we compare our results
to those estimated using COARE bulk formulae with observations in
western Long Island Sound, we find similarly good agreement.