Thomas Tanner

and 8 more

Reconstructing atmospheric CO2 concentration in the Late Miocene is crucial for understanding the relationship between greenhouse gas concentrations and climate change in a warmer-than-modern world. Both δ11B-based and alkenone-ep-based CO2 estimates feature uncertainties due to poorly constrained past seawater chemistry, and algal physiological processes, respectively. Additionally, both proxies estimate CO2[aq], so they require reliable surface ocean temperatures to calculate solubility and atmospheric CO2. To evaluate proxy coherence, in this study we generate new records of alkenone ep and δ11B, from the western Tropical Atlantic ODP Site 926 during the Late Miocene. We provide surface ocean temperature estimates from coccolith clumped isotope thermometry, alkenone undersaturation ratios, and planktonic foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios. The warm temperatures estimated from our new clumped isotope records, together with alkenone temperatures >29°C, confirm warm tropics, and provide constraints on the assumptions of seawater Mg/Ca and dissolution corrections for foraminiferal Mg/Ca SST estimates. The new alkenone ep CO2 estimates at 926 yield generally similar CO2 as the new and published δ11B-based CO2 records for the site, and are similar to published alkenone ep CO2 records from the South Atlantic ODP Site 1088. However, over the 7.3 to 7.8 Ma interval, the CO2 values from ep are lower than other records. We evaluate which proxy indicators can best predict variations in algal physiology which may bias the ep-based CO2 reconstructions in this interval at Site 926.

Alexander Gagnon

and 4 more

Coral skeletal growth is sensitive to environmental change and may be adversely impacted by an acidifying ocean. However, physiological processes can also buffer biomineralization from external conditions, providing apparent resilience to acidification in some species. These same physiological processes affect skeletal composition and can impact paleoenvironmental proxies. Understanding the mechanisms of coral calcification is thus crucial for predicting the vulnerability of different corals to ocean acidification and for accurately interpreting coral-based climate records. Here, using boron isotope (δ11B) measurements on cultured cold-water corals, we explain fundamental features of coral calcification and its sensitivity to environmental change. Boron isotopes are one of the most widely used proxies for past seawater pH, and we observe the expected sensitivity between δ11B and pH. Surprisingly, we also discover that coral δ11B is independently sensitive to seawater dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). We can explain this new DIC effect if we introduce boric acid diffusion across cell membranes as a new flux within a geochemical model of biomineralization. This model independently predicts the sensitivity of the δ11B-pH proxy, without being trained to these data, even though calcifying fluid pH (pHCF) is constant. Boric acid diffusion resolves why δ11B is a useful proxy across a range of calcifiers, including foraminifera, even when calcifying fluid pH differs from seawater. Our modeling shows that δ11B cannot be interpreted unequivocally as a direct tracer of pHCF. Constant pHCF implies similar calcification rates as seawater pH decreases, which can explain the resilience of some corals to ocean acidification. However, we show that this resilience has a hidden energetic cost such that calcification becomes less efficient in an acidifying ocean