Integrating High-resolution Wetland and Depression Water Storage Data in
Major Basin Hydrologic Modeling
The increasing availability of surface water inundation data has
encouraged modelers and managers to include small yet abundant surface
water storage systems (e.g., wetlands and other landscape depressions)
in process-based models. Yet, these model applications have been largely
limited to small- to meso- watershed scales, with drainage areas ranging
from a few hectares to several thousand square kilometers. The
conventional practice of overlooking these surface water storage systems
in basin-scale (e.g., >10,000 m2)
hydrologic modeling may be missing the total picture of flood and
drought hazards. To fill this gap, we developed a 30-m resolution
topography-based wetland and depression storage (maximum surface area
and storage volume) database for the Upper Mississippi, Ohio, and
Missouri River Basins ⎼ encompassing the 2.35 million
km2 upstream domain of the Mississippi River system.
Further, we integrated this depression dataset into a process-based
model to simulate sub-catchment and river reach-scale hydrologic fluxes
(surface runoff, soil wetness, evapotranspiration) and flows
(streamflow). Compared with a “no depression” conventional model
constructed for the Missouri and Upper Mississippi River Basins, our
exploratory analyses demonstrate that a depression-integrated model (i)
significantly alters the spatial patterns and magnitudes of water
yields, (ii) improves streamflow simulation accuracy, and (iii) provides
realistic spatial distributions of landscape wetness conditions. These
emerging findings provide us with new insights into the effects of small
surface water storage and stimulates a reassessment of current practices
for basin-scale hydrologic modeling and water management.