Wave Effects in Variations of the Partial Reflection Radar Signals in
Twilight Conditions
For various heliogeophysical conditions during solar terminator passages
results of observations of amplitude variations of the partial
reflection radar signals (the observatory Tumanny of the Polar
Geophysical Institute, 69.0N, 35.7E) at the heights of the D-region of
the ionosphere are given. Temporary variations of signal amplitudes
which were reflected in the interval of the heights of 75-90 km and
their spectra were analyzed. It was found that the components of the
time spectrum of the variations which corresponding to resonant
frequencies of the atmosphere (the acoustic cut-off and the
Brunt-Väisälä ones) in certain cases were intensified. On the basis of
the theory of acoustic-gravity waves and the empirical model of neutral
structure and temperature of the atmosphere (NRLMSISE-00) identification
of the experimental periods corresponding to the atmospheric resonances
was executed and calculation of temperature of the neutral atmosphere
and sound speed at mesospheric heights was carried out. The received
results showed satisfactory consent with data of other independent