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Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) Data Archives and Services in support of Heliophysics Digital Resources Library (HDRL)
  • Robert Candey
Robert Candey
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

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In order to improve access to the data and models of the Heliophysics System Observatory (HSO) and NASA-funded research projects, the NASA Heliophysics archive and modeling groups are collaborating to create a Heliophysics Digital Resources Library (HDRL) for improved cross-mission and observation-model comparison, machine learning and other large-scale and collaborative analysis, increased discoverability and usability of data and model results, software and services, and more complete metadata and provenance and quality control. Observational data are archived and served by the Solar Data Analysis Center (SDAC) and the Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF). The Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) provides empirical and first-principles simulations and analysis and display tools. A number of largely cross-cutting registry, access, and analysis standards and tools are provided by the Heliophysics Data and Model Consortium (HDMC). As part of this effort, SPDF, as the active and final archive for non-solar NASA Heliophysics data, works with current operating missions and the Heliophysics community to ingest, preserve and serve a wide range of past and current public science-quality data from the mesosphere into the furthest reach of deep-space exploration. SPDF facilitates scientific analysis of multi-instrument and multi-mission datasets to enhance the science return of the many missions. SPDF develops and maintains the Common Data Format (CDF) and the associated ISTP/SPDF metadata guidelines. SPDF services include CDAWeb, which supports both survey and burst mode data with graphics, listings and data superset/subset functions. SPDF is currently receiving and serving data from missions including Parker Solar Probe, Solar Orbiter, MMS, Van Allen Probes, THEMIS/ARTEMIS, GOLD, ICON, ACE, Cluster, IBEX, Voyager, Geotail, Wind and many others, and >120 Ground-Based investigations. SPDF also operates the multi-mission orbit displays and query services of SSCWeb and 4D Orbit Viewer, as well as the Heliophysics Data Portal (HDP) discipline-wide data inventory and access service, and OMNIWeb and COHOWeb for near-Earth and deep-space solar wind plasma, magnetic field, and energetic particle database, respectively.