We cluster a global data base of 3529 M>5.5 earthquakes in
1995-2018 based on a dynamic time warping dissimilarity of their source
time functions (STFs). The clustering exhibits different degrees of STF
shape complexity and suggests an association between STF complexity and
earthquake source parameters. Thrust events are in large proportion with
simple STF shapes and at all depths. In contrast, earthquakes with
complex STF shapes tend to be located at shallow depth in complicated
tectonic regions with preferentially strike slip mechanism and
relatively longer duration. With 2D dynamic modeling of earthquake
ruptures on heterogeneous pre-stress and linear slip-weakening friction,
we find a systematic variation of the simulated STF complexity with
frictional properties. Comparison between the observed and synthetic
clustering distributions provides useful constraints on elements of the
frictional properties. In particular, the characteristic slip-weakening
distance could be constrained to be generally short (< 0.1 m)
and depth dependent.