Recent observations of faults in the shallow regions of subduction zones
have revealed slow slip events that nucleate up-dip of the locked zone.
Clay-rich sediments are prevalent at shallow depths and a large body of
experimental work has shown that these sediments have a tendency towards
velocity-strengthening frictional behavior, although velocity-weakening
behavior is observed as well. Models of deeper slow slip, down-dip of
the locked zone, generally require velocity-weakening behavior for
events to nucleate. Here I show that slow slip events can nucleate and
propagate on shallow, velocity-strengthening thrust faults, in a
numerical model of a thrust fault dipping in a homogeneous, elastic
half-space. This behavior is due to the broken symmetry of the thrust
fault geometry, and is similar to behavior previously reported on
bi-material, and poro-elastic faults. The interaction of the fault with
the free surface (i.e. the sea floor) creates a coupling between normal
stress on the fault and fault slip. This coupling allows
velocity-strengthening slow slip events to nucleate, and becomes
stronger at shallower depths. Here I conduct a parameter analysis, and
show how this behavior is limited to certain values of the frictional
and elastic parameters on the fault.