Tyler Kukla

and 3 more

Speleothem oxygen isotope records (δ18O) of tropical South American rainfall in the late Quaternary show a zonal “South American Precipitation Dipole” (SAPD) with wet conditions in the west at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; ~21 ka), in the east at the mid-Holocene (~7 ka), and in between by the late Holocene (~1 ka to today). However, the SAPD remains enigmatic because it is expressed differently in western versus eastern δ18O records and isotope-enabled climate model simulations usually misrepresent the magnitude and/or spatial pattern of δ18O change. Here, we address the SAPD enigma in two parts. First, we re-interpret the δ18O data to account for upwind rainout effects which are known to be pervasive in tropical South America, but are not commonly considered in Quaternary paleoclimate studies. Our revised interpretation reconciles the δ18O data with other hydroclimate proxy records by demonstrating that the amount of rainout is similar in the western and eastern phases of the SAPD (the SAPD is zonally balanced). Second, we hypothesize that the SAPD is driven by the zonal migration of South American Monsoon rainout. Using an energy balance model of monsoon circulation, we find that zonal monsoon migration can be explained by regional energy budget shifts, such as changing Saharan albedo associated with the African Humid Period, that have not been modeled in previous SAPD studies. This zonal monsoon migration hypothesis presents a new framework for interpreting δ18O records from tropical South America and may help explain the zonal rainfall anomalies that predate the late Quaternary.

Zhengyu Xia

and 1 more

Moisture recycling via evapotranspiration (ET) is often invoked as a mechanism for the high deuterium excess signals observed in continental precipitation (dP). However, a global-scale analysis of precipitation monitoring station isotope data shows that metrics of ET contributions to precipitation (van der Ent et al., 2014) explain little dp variability on seasonal timescales. This occurs despite the fact that ET contributions increase by ~50% in continental locations such as the Eurasian interior from wet to dry seasons. To explain this apparent paradox, we hypothesize that the effects of ET on dP are dampened during dry seasons due to contributions from isotopically-evolved residual water storage that act to lower the d-excess of ET fluxes (dET), in combination with changes in transpiration fraction (T/ET). To test this hypothesis, we develop a parsimonious two-season (wet, dry) model for dET incorporating residual water storage and ET partitioning effects. We find that in environments with limited water storage, such as shallow-rooted grasslands, dry season dET is lower than wet season dET despite lower relative humidity. As global average ratios of annual water storage to precipitation are relatively low (Guntner et al., 2007), these dynamics may be widespread over continents. In environments where water storage is not limiting, such as groundwater-dependent ecosystems, dry season dET is still likely lower; however, this effect arises instead due to higher seasonal T/ET when energy-driven plant water use is enhanced and surface evaporation is relatively limited by water availability. Together, these analyses also indicate multiple mechanisms by which dET may be lower than dp during the same season, challenging the view that moisture recycling feedback increases the dp in continental interiors. This work demonstrates the potential complexity of seasonal dp dynamics and cautions against simple interpretations of dP as a process tracer for moisture recycling. References: Guntner et al., 2007. Water Resour. Res., 43, W05416. van der Ent et al., 2014. Earth Syst. Dynam., 5, 471–489.

Tyler Kukla

and 5 more

The shift from denser forests to open, grass-dominated vegetation in west-central North America between 26 and 15 million years ago is a major ecological transition with no clear driving force. This open habitat transition (OHT) is considered by some to be evidence for drier summers, more seasonal precipitation, or a cooler climate, but others have proposed that wetter conditions and/or warming initiated the OHT. Here, we use published (n=2065) and new (n=173) oxygen isotope measurements (δ18O) in authigenic clays and soil carbonates to test the hypothesis that the OHT is linked to increasing wintertime aridity. Oxygen isotope ratios in meteoric water (δ18Op) vary seasonally, and clays and carbonates often form at different times of the year. Therefore, a change in precipitation seasonality can be recorded differently in each mineral. We find that oxygen isotope ratios of clay minerals increase across the OHT while carbonate oxygen isotope ratios show no change or decrease. This result cannot be explained solely by changes in global temperature or a shift to drier summers. Instead, it is consistent with a decrease in winter precipitation that increases annual mean δ18Op (and clay δ18O) but has a smaller or negligible effect on soil carbonates that primarily form in warmer months. We suggest that forest communities in west-central North America were adapted to a wet-winter precipitation regime for most of the Cenozoic, and they subsequently struggled to meet water demands when winters became drier, resulting in the observed open habitat expansion.

Brian Saccardi

and 1 more

Inland waters are an important component of the global carbon budget, emitting CO2 to the atmosphere. However, our ability to predict carbon fluxes from stream systems remains uncertain as small scales of pCO2 variability within streams (100-102 m), which makes efforts relying on monitoring data uncertain. We incorporate CO2 input and output fluxes into a stream network advection-reaction model, representing the first process-based representation of stream CO2 dynamics at watershed scales. This model includes groundwater (GW) CO2 inputs, water column (WC), and benthic hyporheic zone (BHZ) respiration, downstream advection, and atmospheric exchange. We evaluate this model against existing statistical methods including upscaling and multiple linear regressions through comparisons to high-resolution stream pCO2 data collected across the East River Watershed in the Colorado Rocky Mountains (USA). The stream network model accurately captures topography-driven pCO2 variability and significantly outperforms multiple linear regressions for predicting pCO2. Further, the model provides estimates of CO2 contributions from internal versus external sources suggesting that streams transition from GW- to BHZ-dominated sources between 3rd and 4th Strahler orders, with GW, BHZ, and WC accounting for 49.3, 50.6, and 0.1% of CO2 fluxes from the watershed, respectively. Lastly, stream network model CO2 fluxes are 4-12x times smaller than upscaling technique predictions, largely due to inverse correlations between stream pCO2 and atmosphere exchange velocities. Taken together, this stream network model improves our ability to predict stream CO2 dynamics and efflux. Furthermore, future applications to regional and global scales may result in a significant downward revision of global flux estimates.

Brian Saccardi

and 1 more

Rivers and streams are an important component of the global carbon budget, emitting CO2 to the atmosphere. However, our ability to accurately predict carbon fluxes from stream systems remains uncertain due to small scales of pCO2 variability within streams (100-102 m), which make monitoring intractable. Here we incorporate CO2 input and output fluxes into a stream network advection-reaction model, representing the first process-based representation of stream CO2 dynamics at watershed scales. This model includes groundwater (GW) CO2 inputs, water column and benthic hyporheic zone (BZ) respiration, downstream advection, and atmospheric exchange. We evaluate this model against existing statistical methods including upscaling techniques and multiple linear regression models through comparisons to high-resolution stream pCO2 data collected across the East River Watershed in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. The stream network model accurately captures topography-driven pCO2 variability and significantly outperforms multiple linear regressions for predicting pCO2. Further, the model provides estimates of CO2 contributions from internal versus external sources and suggests that streams transition from GW- to BZ-dominated sources between 3rd and 4th Strahler orders, with GW and BZ accounting for 53 and 47% of CO2 fluxes from the watershed, respectively. Lastly, stream network model CO2 fluxes are 5-13x times smaller than upscaling technique predictions, largely due to inverse correlations between stream pCO2 and atmosphere exchange velocities. Taken together, the stream network model presented improves our ability to predict and monitor stream CO2 dynamics, and future applications to regional and global scales may result in a significant downward revision of global flux estimates.

Brian Saccardi

and 1 more

Inland waters are recognized as a significant source of CO2 to the atmosphere; however, the global magnitude of this flux remains uncertain. In particular, CO2 concentrations and fluxes in stream systems are extremely variable at scales of 10’s to 100’s of meters, complicating monitoring and prediction efforts. Thus, models of pCO2 that capture these scales of spatial variability are necessary for the accurate prediction and monitoring of stream CO2 fluxes. Despite a strong conceptual framework for the hydrologic processes that control stream CO2, predictive models to date have been empirical, based on Strahler stream order and regressions between observed pCO2 and landscape variables. We hypothesize that models incorporating well-described hydrologic processes may lead to new insights into the magnitude of various CO2 sources and improve predictions. Here, we develop and apply a process-based stream network model of CO2 based on NHDplus flowlines and driven by groundwater inputs, hyporheic exchange, water-column metabolism, advective transport, and atmospheric exchange. Model output is compared with 151 measurements of pCO2 (424 - 9718 ppm) collected in August, 2019 across the upper East River watershed in Gothic, CO, a mountainous, high-elevation headwaters system within the Colorado River basin. We find that modeled pCO2 captures observed spatial patterns and predicts measured values with a RMSE of ~250 ppm and R2 of 0.47 (p<10-15). Additionally, our process-based model performs significantly better than a multiple linear regression model between observations and a geomorphic variables (r2=0.35, p<10-7). Estimates from an optimized stream network model give additional insight into CO2 sources, suggesting that groundwater accounts for 70-80% of evasion fluxes, hyporheic processes for 20-30%, and water-column metabolism for ~1% across the East River watershed. The ability of our model to predict pCO2 at the spatial scales of variability may provide an important next step in estimating global CO2 fluxes, and future research will test the predictive power of process-based models at regional and global scales.