EQDetect: Earthquake phase arrivals and first motion polarity applying
deep learning
- Christopher W Johnson,
- Paul A. Johnson
Earthquake detection is critical for tracking fracture networks and
fault zone deformation, particularly microseismicity that produces weak
ground motions. We develop deep learning models to detect seismic phase
arrivals and first motion polarities. The detection model is a
convolutional encoder-decoder with a multi-head attention latent space
that assigns a softmax value to each data point in continuous seismic
records for classifying earthquake waveforms and the phase arrivals. The
multi-output classification model utilizes weighted categorical cross
entropy for the different softmax predictions to account for the
unbalanced number of signal points compared to noise. The model training
uses a benchmark data set of global seismic waveforms and the events are
augmented using various techniques to reduce the signal-to-noise ratio,
simulate multiple events arrivals, and channel failures. Detected
p-waves are passed through a second model to obtain the first motion
polarity. The phase arrivals, first motions, arrival waveforms, and
additional metrics needed for catalog development are saved in a
detection table. A neural network phase associator is used with the
detection table to build an event arrival table. Locations are
calculated and double difference locations are produced using
correlation metrics from the waveforms retained in the detection table.
The analysis is wrapped in a multiprocessing workflow to efficiently
analyze large data sets. As a case study the workflow is applied to
southern Kansas, a region with increased seismic activity related to
hydrocarbon-production and waste water injection. The deep learning
seismicity and focal mechanism catalogs show immensely more seismic
activity than standard processing.