Effects of Field-Aligned Cold Plasma Density Filaments on the Fine
Structure of Chorus
The chorus whistler-mode emission, a major driver of radiation belt
electron energization and precipitation, exhibits significant amplitude
modulations on millisecond timescales. These subpacket modulations are
accompanied by fast changes in the wave normal angle. Understanding the
evolution of wave propagation properties inside chorus elements is
essential for modeling nonlinear chorus-electron interactions, but the
origin of these rapid changes is unclear. We propose that the variations
come from propagation inside thin, field-aligned cold plasma
enhancements (density ducts), which produce differing modulations in
parallel and perpendicular wave magnetic field components. We show that
a full-wave simulation on a filamented density background predicts wave
vector and amplitude evolution similar to Van Allen Probes spacecraft
observations. We further demonstrate that the commonly assumed wide
density ducts, in which wave propagation can be studied with ray tracing
methods, cannot explain the observed behavior. This indirectly proves
the existence of wavelength-scale field-aligned density fluctuations.