The ionospheric numerical ionogram dataset on the Digisonde Ionogram
Database (DIDBase) hosted by the Global Ionospheric Radio Observatory
(GIRO) provides an important opportunity to study the bottomside
ionospheric electron density profile. The study presents the description
of software developed for digisonde numerical dataset that can be
obtained from DIDBase. The developed DIDBase numerical data reader and
cleaner named Digisonde Numeric Data (DINData) software can find missing
data periods in the dataset and resequencing the date and time stamp on
the dataset. The DINData software also allows users to apply settings to
check the integrity of the scaled ionogram using the ionogram confidence
score (CS) value. The DINData application is written in the Python
programming language. The graphical user interface (GUI) of the software
was developed using Kivy, a cross-platform Python GUI framework that is
built on OpenGL. The Kivy framework allows the source code of the
application to be packaged into various operating systems. The software
currently runs on the Windows operating system and has a user-friendly
graphical user interface to accept alphanumeric input entries.