Vertical resolution is an often overlooked parameter in simulations of
convection. We explore the sensitivity of simulated deep convection to
vertical resolution in the System for Atmospheric Modeling (SAM)
convection resolving model. We analyze simulations run in tropical
radiative convective equilibrium with 32, 64, 128, and 256 vertical
levels in a small (100 km) and large domain (1500 km). At high vertical
resolution, the relative humidity and anvil cloud fraction are reduced,
which is linked to a reduction in both fractional and volumetric
detrainment. This increases total atmospheric radiative cooling at high
resolution, which leads to enhanced surface fluxes and precipitation,
despite reduced column water vapor. In large domains, convective
aggregation begins by simulation day 25 for simulations with 64 and 128
levels, while onset is delayed until simulation day 75 for the
simulation with 32 vertical levels. Budget analyses reveal that
mechanisms involved in the generation and maintenance of convective
aggregation for the 32-level simulation differ from those for the 64-
and 128-level simulations. Weaker cold pools in the 32-level simulation
allow the boundary layer in dry regions to become extremely dry, which
leads to an aggregated state with very strong spatial gradients in
column-integrated moist static energy. Understanding both the triggering
and maintenance of convective aggregation and its simulated sensitivity
to model formulation is a necessary component of atmospheric modeling.
We show that vertical resolution has a strong impact on the mean state
and convective behavior in both small and large domains.