Vivian Tang

and 2 more

We systematically searched USArray seismograms for intraplate tremor and earthquakes that were dynamically triggered by the 2012 M8.6 Sumatra earthquake. We confirm triggered seismic activity along the western boundary of the North America and note the absence of triggered seismicity east of the Rocky Mountains. We newly observed dynamically triggered tremor near the Yellowstone hotspot, Wyoming, and triggered earthquakes in the Raton Basin and in central Utah. We then identified additional triggered events for each of these three locations by investigating seismograms recorded between 2001 to 2017. To advance our understanding and identification of the conditions that lead to dynamic triggering of seismic events, we applied a machine-learning algorithm (decision tree) to these three data sets as well as a published data set of known instances of triggered seismic tremor in central California. The algorithm found that dynamic stress estimates from teleseismic surface waves indeed appear to be a deciding factor in triggering tremor, though may be secondary to the back azimuth from which the surface waves arrive. Our findings confirm that transient stresses generated by surface waves from strong earthquakes arriving from favorable directions can lead to triggered tectonic tremor in seismically active regions, such as central California and Yellowstone. These stresses do not appear to be deciding factors for the potentially dynamically triggered earthquakes in the Raton Basin and central Utah, while back azimuth does appear to be a deciding factor.

Vivian Tang

and 2 more

To facilitate identification of conditions that lead to the dynamic triggering of seismic events as catalogs of these events keep growing, we applied a machine-learning algorithm (decision tree) to a published data set of known instances of dynamically triggered seismic tremor in central California. To investigate the possible universality of our findings and to further test the algorithm, we also applied it to new observations, presented here, of potentially dynamically triggered seismic activity in three intraplate regions: Raton Basin (CO), Yellowstone, and central Utah. We report potential tremor or local earthquake signals from here during the propagation of surface waves from the 2012 M8.6 Sumatra earthquake. These surface waves also triggered seismic activity along the western boundary of the North American plate and did not trigger seismic activity in the central and eastern USA. We report additional potential dynamic triggering in the three aforementioned intraplate regions from an investigation of seismograms from 37 additional large earthquakes, recorded between 2004 to 2017. Our findings show that transient stresses generated by surface waves from large earthquakes and arriving from favorable directions generally lead to triggered tremor in seismically, volcanically, and hydrothermally active regions like central California and possibly Yellowstone. These stresses do not appear to be decisive factors for the potentially dynamically triggered local earthquakes reported for the Raton Basin and central Utah, while surface waves’ incidence angles do appear to be important there.

Oyekunle Ola

and 9 more

We present shear-wave splitting analyses of SKS and SKKS waves recorded at sixteen Superior Province Rifting Earthscope Experiment (SPREE) seismic stations on the north shore of Lake Superior, as well as fifteen selected Earthscope Transportable Array instruments south of the lake. These instruments bracket the Mid-Continent Rift (MCR) and sample the Superior, Penokean, Yavapai and Mazatzal tectonic provinces. The data set can be explained by a single layer of anisotropic fabric, which we interpret to be dominated by a lithospheric contribution. The fast S polarization directions are consistently ENE-WSW, but the split time varies greatly across the study area, showing strong anisotropy (up to 1.48 s) in the western Superior, moderate anisotropy in the eastern Superior, and moderate to low anisotropy in the terranes south of Lake Superior. We locate two localized zones of very low split time (less than 0.6 s) adjacent to the MCR: one in the Nipigon Embayment, an MCR-related magmatic feature immediately north of Lake Superior, and the other adjacent to the eastern end of the lake, at the southern end of the Kapuskasing Structural Zone (KSZ). Both low-splitting zones are adjacent to sharp bends in the MCR axis. We interpret these two zones, along with a low-velocity linear feature imaged by a previous tomographic study beneath Minnesota and the Dakotas, as failed lithospheric branches of the MCR. Given that all three of these branches failed to propagate into the Superior Province lithosphere, we propose that the sharp bend of the MCR through Lake Superior is a consequence of the high mechanical strength of the Superior lithosphere ca. 1.1 Ga.