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Spiral Radiation Pattern of a Relativistic Charged Particle in a Periodic Motion - Part -2
  • Mert Yucemoz
Mert Yucemoz
University of Bath

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The forward peaking radiation pattern of a single particle with an increasing particle velocity is well-established knowledge. Further details of a single particle radiation pattern suggest that a particle also has a backward peaking radiation pattern and two associated asymmetries coming from the Doppler and spiral trajectory bremsstrahlung effects. Relativistic particle under periodic motion emits spiral radiation pattern which is measured as short pulses by the sensors. However, the transition from peaking to spiral radiation pattern as particle transits from discrete to continuous periodic motion is not clear. This paper reports a possible physical asymmetric effect caused by the bremsstrahlung spiral trajectory that could be responsible for the spiral radiation pattern emitted by the periodic particle motion. The bremsstrahlung asymmetry changes within each period that change the radiation intensity symmetry continuously, within a specific minimum and maximum range. This maximum and minimum range is defined by the limits of the bremsstrahlung asymmetry, R. This change in radiation intensity, independent of particle periodicity, emits circular waves of the varying radius that forms a spiral radiation pattern. Hence, the spiral of a periodic motion comes from a parameter, R, that is independent of periodicity. Hence, parameter R can change during a period by preserving the periodicity of the incoming particle motion. Overall, a continuous periodic motion is important in predicting the experimental observations as incoming particle interacts with multiple target particles meaning the same bremsstrahlung process repeats periodically.