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Odd, Even & Whole Number Schumann Point Triads of a Relativistic Radiation Pattern
  • Mert Yucemoz
Mert Yucemoz
University of Bath

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There are different numerical models, such as the transmission-line matrix model or partially uniform knee model used to predict Schumann radiation. This report introduces a new method build on the previously stated idea of locating Schumann resonances on a single particle’s radiation pattern using a Golden ratio and their Octave relationship. In addition, this different prediction method for Schumann resonances derived from the first principle fundamental physics combining both particle radiation patterns and the mathematical concept of the Golden ratio spiral that expands at the rate of Golden ratio. Previous idea of octaves allows us to predict the magnitude of other Schumann resonances on the radiation pattern of a single accelerated charged particle conveniently by knowing the value of initial Schumann resonant frequency. In addition, it also allows us to find and match Schumann resonances that are on the same radiation lobe. Furthermore, it is important to find Schumann octaves as they propagate in the same direction and have a higher likelihood of wave interference. This contribution, introduces another property of Schumann resonant points on a relativistic radiation pattern that enables to predict the direction of the remaining Schumann resonant frequency points that are not Octave pairs. Previously, Schumann Octaves were introduced as a method to predict which Schumann resonant points exist on same radiation lobe, hence propagate in the same direction. This method of Triads is an additional method to Octaves in order to predict propagation direction of all Schumann points besides Octave pairs. Count of Schumann resonant frequency points starts with one as the first and minimum frequency Schumann point on a Golden ratio spiral. Count of Schumann resonant frequency points goes up to seven with increasing radius of Golden ratio spiral. Hence, the odd triad consists of Schumann resonant points 1, 3 and 5. Whereas, even triad consists of Schumann resonant points 2,4 and 6. First point in the triad is called “root” and final point is called “third”. Root and the third are always Octave apart from each other. Hence, exist on same radiation lobe and propagate in the same direction. Odd number triads distribute vertically and even number triads distribute horizontally on a relativistic radiation pattern plot. Hence, this causes Octave value of an odd triad to be bigger than the Octave value of even triad. There are three Octave pairs and odd triad is the one with the highest Octave value. Triads together with Octaves helps to predict magnitude and direction of Schumann resonant points without needing to refer to a radiation pattern plot.