September 09, 2024
Submesoscale eddy contribution to ocean vertical heat flux diagnosed from airborne ob...
Hector S. Torres, Alexander Wineteer, Ernesto Rodriguez, et al.
June 08, 2023
Sub-mesoscale Wind-Front Interactions: the combined impact of thermal and current fee...
Yue Bai, Andrew F. Thompson, Ana Beatriz Villas Bôas, et al.
November 20, 2021
Local Air-Sea Interactions at Ocean Mesoscale in Western Boundary Currents
Ehud Strobach, Patrice Klein, Andrea Molod, et al.
August 10, 2021
Seasonal and diurnal variations of vorticity and divergence in the Eastern Boundary C...
Antonio Quintana, Torres Hector, Jose Gomez-Valdes, et al.