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Invited Commentary to one-stage repair of transposition complex and interrupted aortic arch in children.
  • Eric Wherley,
  • Leonardo Mulinari
Eric Wherley
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine

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Leonardo Mulinari
University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
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The management of patients with transposition complex in combination with an interrupted aortic arch (IAA) presents a technical challenge to the surgeon to decide which is the best approach to correct both defects. This is a rare disorder and with significant variation in anatomic arrangements deciding on the ideal surgical repair. Over time a single-stage approach to repair has become standard.
19 Sep 2022Submitted to Journal of Cardiac Surgery
20 Sep 2022Submission Checks Completed
20 Sep 2022Assigned to Editor
20 Sep 2022Editorial Decision: Accept
Dec 2022Published in Journal of Cardiac Surgery volume 37 issue 12 on pages 4332-4333. 10.1111/jocs.16987