Fluorapatite needle mats on vesicle walls of Apollo low-Ti basalt 15556
indicate a final-stage water-rich liquid
Lunar vesicular basalt 15556 contains evidence of volatiles in the form
of gas bubbles. We report two occurrences of apatite needle mats,
forming flow patterns from the rock interior onto vesicle walls. The
mats on vesicle walls are free of silicate minerals or glass. The
apatite needles display aspect ratios (length to width) of 8 to 21,
implying the presence of water vapor as shown by available experimental
results. Although all apatites are fluorapatite, those on the wall
contain lower F (higher inferred OH) and higher rare earth elements than
nearly pure fluorapatite away from vesicles, indicating apatite needles
in these mats formed from highly evolved water-rich melt. Collectively,
the morphology, texture, and chemistry of the fluorapatite needles on
vesicle walls support that these crystals grew rapidly and
out-of-equilibrium from a final-stage liquid that changed from water-bearing
silicate-rich to silicate-poor water-rich during its flow from interior
to the vesicle wall.