High-resolution mantle flow models reveal importance of plate boundary
geometry and slab pull forces on generating tectonic plate motions
Mantle convection models based on geophysical constraints have provided
us with a basic understanding of the forces driving and resisting plate
motions on Earth. However, existing studies computing the balance of
underlying forces are contradicting, and the impact of plate boundary
geometry on surface deformation remains unknown. We address these issues
by developing global instantaneous 3-D mantle convection models with a
heterogeneous density and viscosity distribution and weak plate
boundaries prescribed using different geometries. We find that the plate
boundary geometry of the Global Earthquake Model (GEM, Pagani et al.,
2018), featuring open plate boundaries with discrete lithospheric-depth
weak zones in the oceans and distributed crustal faults within
continents, achieves the best fit to the observed GPS data with a
directional correlation of 95.1% and a global point-wise velocity
residual of 1.87 cm/year. A good fit also requires plate boundaries
being 3 to 4 orders of magnitude weaker than the surrounding lithosphere
and low asthenospheric viscosities between 5e17 and 5e18 Pa s. Models
without asthenospheric and lower mantle heterogeneities retain on
average 30% and 70% of the plate speeds, respectively. Our results
show that Earth’s plate boundaries are not uniform and better described
by more discrete plate boundaries within the oceans and distributed
faults within continents. Furthermore, they emphasize the impact of
plate boundary geometry on the direction and speed of plate motions and
reaffirm the importance of slab pull in the uppermost mantle as a major
plate driving force.