Seismogenic Fault Reactivation in Western Central Africa: Insights from
Regional Stress Analyses
The onshore continental margins of western Central Africa have been
hosting potentially damaging earthquake events for decades; yet, the
links between the seismicity, the contemporary stress field, and
pre-existing faults are not well understood. Here, we analyze the
regional stress fields along the coastal margin and interior cratonic
areas using earthquake focal mechanisms, map and characterize the
detailed structure of preexisting fault systems in outcrops, and assess
the reactivation potential of the mapped structures. Our results show
that the earthquakes originate under a transpressive stress regime with
a horizontal maximum principal compressive stress (σ1) that is oriented
NNE-SSW. We show that regional stresses acting on offshore oceanic
fracture zones are compatible with those acting along with the onshore
areas of the continental margin. Field observations reveal the presence
of large fault systems that deform both the Precambrian basement and
Phanerozoic sedimentary sequences, with widespread hydrothermal
alterations of calcite veining, quartz veining, and palygorskite
mineralization along the fault zones. Along the margin, the preexisting
NNE-, NNW-, and N-S -trending strike-slip faults and normal faults show
a high slip tendency (60 – 100 %), ), whereas in the cratonic
interior, the NW- and N-S -trending thrust faults are the most likely to
reactivate. We argue that favorable orientation of the preexisting
faults and potentially, their hydrothermal alteration products, define
the susceptibility of the faults to seismic reactivation. We propose
that possible stress propagation into the near-shore and onshore tip
zones of oceanic fracture zones may be driving stress loading on
pre-stressed fault systems onshore.