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Concomitant surgical revascularization in post-infarction ventricular septal rupture and ventricular aneurysm repair: a straightforward indication or a prognostic factor?
  • +1
  • Daniele Ronco,
  • Matteo Matteucci,
  • Giulio Massimi,
  • Roberto Lorusso
Daniele Ronco
Maastricht University Medical Centre+

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Matteo Matteucci
Maastricht University Medical Centre+
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Giulio Massimi
Maastricht University Medical Centre+
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Roberto Lorusso
Maastricht University Medical Centre+
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The potential benefit of concomitant surgical revascularization represents a controversial topic of the surgical treatment of post-infarction ventricular septal rupture (VSR). Beliaev and colleagues presented a case series interestingly focusing on this issue and showed how the possibility to perform coronary artery bypass grafting at time of VSR repair was associatd with better early and late mortality and improved cardiac function. However, a few more aspects deserve further comments in this controversial topic, especially considering late survival and postoperative cardiac function, although it seems reasonable to conclude that the presence of coronary artery disease not amenable to revascularization represents a strong negative prognostic factor in surgically treated VSR patients.
31 May 2022Submitted to Journal of Cardiac Surgery
01 Jun 2022Submission Checks Completed
01 Jun 2022Assigned to Editor
01 Jun 2022Editorial Decision: Accept