Plant community dynamics from the perspective of recruitment networks:
introducing the Recruitment and Replacement model (R&R).
The study of plant community dynamics has a long tradition. However,
this field has barely incorporated the tools developed in the modern
study of ecological networks. Key for this incorporation is the
availability of a theoretical model able to incorporate field data about
plant-plant interactions. In this study I introduce the Recruitment and
Replacement (R&R) model that explicitly incorporates empirical networks
of plant-plant interactions that occur during recruitment. The R&R
model is built on fundamental demographic rates and incorporates
competition for space between adults, intra- and inter-specific effects
of established plants on recruitment and the colonization of vacant
space. The basic analysis of the model provides predictions regarding
different aspects of plant community dynamics, like the environmental
conditions and species properties under which facilitation of
recruitment is more likely to occur, the effect of recruitment
facilitation on invasion, the effects of plant-plant interactions on
equilibrium abundances and community stability, and the network
properties that should relate to species equilibrium abundances. Many of
these predictions agree with findings from published meta-analyses,
supporting the general validity of the recruitment networks framework as
a general approach to integrate the study of plant community dynamics
into the study of ecological networks.