Population subdivision promoted by a sea-level-change-driven bottleneck:
a glimpse from the evolutionary history of the mangrove tree Aegiceras
Historic climate changes had always driven geographical populations of
coastal plants to contract and recover dynamically, even die out
completely. Species suffering from such bottlenecks usually lose
intraspecific genetic diversity, but how do these events influence
population subdivision patterns of coastal plants? We investigated this
question in the typical coastal plant: mangrove species Aegiceras
corniculatum. Inhabiting the intertidal zone of the tropical and
subtropical coast of the Indo-West Pacific oceans, its populations are
deemed to be greatly shaped by historic sea-level fluctuations. Using
dual methods of Sanger and Illumina Solexa sequencing, we found that the
18 sampled populations were structured into two groups, namely, the
“Indo-Malayan” group, comprising three subgroups (the northern South
China Sea, Gulf of Bengal, and Bali), and the “Pan-Australasia” group,
comprising the subgroups of the southern South China Sea and
Australasia. Based on simulations using the approximate Bayesian
computation method, we inferred that the southern South China Sea
subgroup, which penetrates the interior of the “Indo-Malayan” group,
originated from the Australasia subgroup, accompanied by a severe
bottleneck event, with a spot of gene flow from both the Australasia and
“Indo-Malayan” groups. Geographical barriers such as the Sundaland
underlie the genetic break between Indian and Pacific Oceans, but the
discontinuity between southern and northern South China Sea was
originated from genetic drift in the bottleneck event. Hence, we
revealed a case evidencing that the bottleneck event promoted population
subdivision. This conclusion may be applicable in other taxa beyond
coastal plants.