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Metabolic and Cardiac Implications in Oshtoran Syndrome (H63D Syndrome Type-3): A Case Report
  • +1
  • Dr. Carolina Diamandis,
  • Alexandros Balaskas,
  • Joseph Merab,
  • Carolina Diamandis
Dr. Carolina Diamandis

Corresponding Author:[email protected]

Author Profile
Alexandros Balaskas
LCG Research
Joseph Merab
LCG Research
Carolina Diamandis
LCG Research


This report highlights the complex interplay between cardiac func8on, metabolic disorders, and the impact of Oshtoran Syndrome on overall health. Par8cular emphasis is placed on the implica8ons of a le? ventricular ejec8on frac8on (LV-EF) decline, PDH cytopathy, and the resultant metabolic dysregula8on. Addi8onally, the cri8cal role of catecholamine suppression in preven8ng poten8ally life-threatening episodes is discussed. Introduc/on: Oshtoran Syndrome (H63D Syndrome Type-3) presents a mul8faceted clinical challenge, characterized by both cardiac and metabolic complica8ons. This report examines the deteriora8on in cardiac func8on, the metabolic impact of PDH cytopathy, and the systemic effects observed in a pa8ent with this syndrome, along with the essen8al role of catecholamine suppression. 1,4,5 Cardiac issues: Le? Ventricular Ejec8on Frac8on (LV-EF): The pa8ent's LV-EF has decreased from 63% to 49%, indica8ng a significant impairment in the heart's ability to pump blood and oxygen efficiently. This decline reflects a compromised cardiac func8on, likely contribu8ng to systemic hypoperfusion and metabolic stress. 9,10,11,12
24 May 2024Submitted to ESS Open Archive
28 May 2024Published in ESS Open Archive