An integrated metal-organic framework (MOF) and pressure/vacuum swing
adsorption (P/VSA) process design framework is presented for gas
separation. It consists of two steps: descriptor optimization and MOF
matching. In the first step, MOFs are represented as a large set of
chemical and geometric descriptors from which the most influential ones
are selected and treated as design variables. The valid design space is
confined using a tailored classifier model and logic constraints. Based
on collected adsorption isotherms of 471 different MOFs, data-driven
isotherm models are developed. Combining the design space, isotherms,
and process models, an integrated MOF and P/VSA process design problem
is formulated. MOF descriptors and process operating conditions are
optimized to maximize the process performance. The obtained optimal
descriptors and isotherms can be used to guide the discovery of
high-performance MOFs in a subsequent MOF matching step. This article
addresses the first descriptor optimization step exemplified by
propene/propane separation.