Dr. Anne C. Elster is a Professor of HPC in Computer Science ant NTNU and was the Co-founder and Co-director of Norwegian University of Science and Technology’s Computational Science and Visualization program and also established the IDI/NTNU HPC-Lab, a well- respected research lab in heterogeneous computing that regularly receives international visitors. She is also a Visiting Scientist at the University of Texas at Austin.
Her current research interests are in high-performance parallel computing, focusing on developing good models and tools for heterogeneous computing and parallel software environments. Methods that include applying machine learning for code optimization and image processing, and developing parallel scientific codes that interact visually with the users by taking advantage of the powers in modern GPUs. Her novel fast linear bit-reversal algorithm is still noteworthy.
She has published widely in the field of high-performance computing (HPC). She works closely with her graduate students and has been the main advisor for several PhDs and Post Docs, and more than 80 master students.
She is and IEEE Senior member (since 2000) and an IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Speakers (2019-2022).