Investigating the origins and evolution of a glyphosate-resistant weed
invasion in South America
Amaranthus palmeri is a widespread glyphosate-resistant (GR) weed
in the USA. Since 2015, GR populations of A. palmeri have been
confirmed in South America, raising the prospect of an ongoing invasion.
We used RAD-Seq genotyping to explore genetic differentiation amongst
A. palmeri populations from Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. We
also quantified gene copy number amplification of the glyphosate target,
5-enolpyruvyl-3-shikimate phosphate synthase (EPSPS) and the
presence of an extra-chromosomal circular DNA (eccDNA) replicon in these
populations. Genetic analyses indicated that populations in Brazil,
Argentina, and Uruguay were only weakly differentiated (pairwise FST
0.043) in comparison to USA populations. STRUCTURE analysis did,
however, assign Argentinean populations to a discrete cluster to those
from Brazil and Uruguay. Neither elevated EPSPS copy number, nor
the eccDNA EPSPS replicon were present in Argentinean
populations, this being consistent with recent observations of other GR
mechanisms in Argentina, and an independent in situ evolution of
glyphosate resistance. Elevated EPSPS copy number and the
EPSPS replicon were identified in all populations from Brazil and
Uruguay. The presence of this mechanism and the very high sequence
similarity of the EPSPS replicon to that found in the USA are
strongly suggestive of the recent invasion of GR into Brazil and
Uruguay. Our results are consistent with a single introduction of
A. palmeri into South America sometime before the 1980s, and
subsequent local evolution of GR in Argentina but with a secondary
invasion of GR A. palmeri from the USA into Brazil and Uruguay
during the 2010’s.