Guoyue Niu

and 7 more

Most land surface models (LSMs) do not explicitly represent surface ponding, infiltration of ponded water, or the soil macropore effects on infiltration, percolation, and groundwater recharge. In this study, we implement a dual-permeability model (DPM) based on the mixed-form Richards’ equation, which solves pressure head continuously across unsaturated and saturated zones while conserves mass, into the Noah-MP LSM to represent slow flow through soil matrix and rapid flow through macropore networks. The model explicitly computes surface ponding depth, infiltration of ponded water, and runoff beyond a ponding threshold (infiltration-excess runoff) by switching the atmospheric boundary condition between head and flux boundary conditions. The new model also provides two optional soil water retention models of Van Genuchten (VG) and Brooks-Corey (BC). Model experiments over the conterminous US indicate that 1) surface ponded water and its runoff contribute substantially to seasonal variations in total water storage and peak flows in wet regions with low soil permeability (e.g., the Lower Mississippi River and surrounding regions), 2) the VG model produces drier topsoil with less soil surface evaporation than does the BC model with the Clapp-Hornberger parameters, especially during droughts and in dry regions, better matching remote sensing soil moisture, and 3) DMP produces more runoff with increased subsurface runoff, thereby improving the modeling skill at monthly scale over all subbasins of the Mississippi River, especially for low flow events. This study also highlights the importance of consistent representations of soil and plant hydraulics in Earth System Models to modeling ecosystem drought resilience.

Yuan-Heng Wang

and 3 more

Accurate estimation of the spatio-temporal distribution of snow water equivalent is essential given its global importance for understanding climate dynamics and climate change, and as a source of fresh water. Here, we explore the potential of using the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network for continental and regional scale modeling of daily snow accumulation and melt dynamics at 4-km pixel resolution across the conterminous US (CONUS). To reduce training costs (data are available for ~0.31 million snowy pixels), we combine spatial sampling with stagewise model development, whereby the network is first pretrained across the entire CONUS and then subjected to regional fine-tuning. Accordingly, model evaluation is focused on out-of-sample predictive performance across space (analogous to the prediction in ungauged basins problem). We find that, given identical inputs (precipitation, temperature and elevation), a single CONUS-wide LSTM provides significantly better spatio-temporal generalization than a regionally calibrated version of the physical-conceptual temperature-index-based SNOW17 model. Adding more meteorological information (dew point temperature, vapor pressure deficit, longwave radiation and shortwave radiation) further improves model performance, while rendering redundant the local information provided by elevation. Overall, the LSTM exhibits better transferability than SNOW17 to locations that were not included in the training data set, reinforcing the advantages of structure learning over parameter learning. Our results suggest that an LSTM-based approach could be used to develop continental/global-scale systems for modeling snow dynamics.

Antonio Meira Neto

and 1 more

Xueyan Zhang

and 6 more

Water availability in the dry Western United States (US) under a warming climate and increasing water use demand has become a serious concern. Previous studies have projected future runoff changes across the Western US but ignored the impacts of ecosystem response to elevated CO2 concentration. Here, we aim to understand the impacts of elevated CO2 on future runoff changes through ecosystem responses to both rising CO2 and associated warming using the Noah-MP model with representations of vegetation dynamics and plant hydraulics. We first validated Noah-MP against observed runoff, LAI, and terrestrial water storage anomaly from 1980–2015. We then projected future runoff with Noah-MP under downscaled climates from three climate models under RCP8.5. The projected runoff declines variably from the Pacific Northwest by –11% to the Lower Colorado River basin by –92% from 2016–2099. To discern the exact causes, we conducted an attribution analysis of two additional sensitivity experiments: one with constant CO2 and another with monthly LAI climatology based on the Penman-Monteith equation. Results show that surface “greening” (due to the CO2 fertilization effect) and the stomatal closure effect are the second largest contributors to future runoff change, following the warming effect. These two counteracting CO2 effects are roughly compensatory, leaving the warming effect to remain the dominant contributor to the projected runoff declines at large river basin scales. This study suggests that both surface “greening” and stomatal closure effects are important factors and should be considered together in water resource projections.

Ravindra Dwivedi

and 15 more

Catchment-scale response functions, such as transit time distribution (TTD) and evapotranspiration time distribution (ETTD), are considered fundamental descriptors of a catchment’s hydrologic and ecohydrologic responses to spatially and temporally varying precipitation inputs. Yet, estimating these functions is challenging, especially in headwater catchments where data collection is complicated by rugged terrain, or in semi-arid or sub-humid areas where precipitation is infrequent. Hence, we developed practical approaches for estimating both TTD and ETTD from commonly available tracer flux data in hydrologic inflows and outflows without requiring continuous observations. Using the weighted wavelet spectral analysis method of Kirchner and Neal [2013] for δ18O in precipitation and stream water, we specifically calculated TTDs that contribute to streamflow via spatially and temporally variable flow paths in a sub-humid mountain headwater catchment in Arizona, USA. Our results indicate that composite TTDs most accurately represented this system for periods up to approximately one month and that a Gamma TTD was most appropriate thereafter. The TTD results also suggested that some contribution of subsurface water was beyond the applicable tracer range. For ETTD and using δ18O as a tracer in precipitation and xylem waters, a Gamma ETTD type best matched the observations, and stable water isotopes were capable tracers for the majority of vegetation source waters. This study contributes to a better understanding of a fundamental question in mountain catchment hydrology; namely, how tracer input fluxes are modulated by spatially and temporally varying subsurface flow paths that support evapotranspiration and streamflow at multiple time scales.