CRABS -- A software program to generate curated reference databases for
metabarcoding sequencing data
The measurement of biodiversity is an integral aspect of life science
research. With the establishment of second- and third-generation
sequencing technologies, an increasing amount of metabarcoding data is
being generated as we seek to describe the extent and patterns of
biodiversity in multiple contexts. The reliability and accuracy of
taxonomically assigning metabarcoding sequencing data has been shown to
be critically influenced by the quality and completeness of reference
databases. Custom, curated, eukaryotic reference databases, however, are
scarce, as are the software programs for generating them. Here, we
present CRABS (Creating Reference databases for Amplicon-Based
Sequencing), a software package to create custom reference databases for
metabarcoding studies. CRABS includes tools to download sequences from
multiple online repositories (i.e., NCBI, BOLD, EMBL, MitoFish),
retrieve amplicon regions through in silico PCR analysis and pairwise
global alignments, curate the database through multiple filtering
parameters (e.g., dereplication, sequence length, sequence quality,
unresolved taxonomy), export the reference database in multiple formats
for the immediate use in taxonomy assignment software, and investigate
the reference database through implemented visualizations for diversity,
primer efficiency, reference sequence length, and taxonomic resolution.
CRABS is a versatile tool for generating curated reference databases of
user-specified genetic markers to aid taxonomy assignment from
metabarcoding sequencing data. CRABS is available for download as a
conda package and via GitHub