Dr Sayed F. Abdelwahab is currently a professor at Taif University College of Pharmacy (KSA) and at Minia Faculty of Medicine, Minia University (Egypt). He obtained a Pharmacy degree from Assiut University in 1989 and completed his PhD in Immunology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in 2002. Dr Abdelwahab research interests include cellular immunity to viruses including HCV, HIV and HEV and he published 70 papers (57 papers in international journals and 13 papers in local Egyptian journals). He also presented 29 oral presentations and 34 posters in different conferences and attended ~75 international conferences. He supervised 26 Master's and PhD Students and refereed 13 different theses and dissertations. Dr Abdelwahab received 20 different awards including the State Incentive Award in Medical Sciences for 2007, Egyptian Academy for Scientific research and Technology, Ministry of Higher Education. He is a member in several professional organizations e.g. American Society for Microbiology (ASM; Current ASM ambassador to Egypt; 2018-2020), AAI, and EASL. Dr Abdelwahab research articles are published in high ranked journals in his field such as Proceeding of the National Academy of Science (PNAS)-USA, Journal of Virology, Hepatology, Infection and Immunity, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, Immunologic Investigations, American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Journal of Translational Medicine, Viral Immunology, Infectious Agents and Cancer, Archives of Vi