Size does not always matter: Experimental evidence to inform the
open-ocean microbial gardening hypothesis
1. Detritivores need to up-cycle their food to increase its nutritional
value. One method is to fragment detritus promoting the colonisation of
nutrient-rich microbes, which consumers then ingest. This is known as
microbial gardening. Observations and numerical models of the
detritus-dominated ocean mesopelagic zone have suggested microbial
gardening by zooplankton is fundamental process in the ocean organic
carbon cycle, as it leads to increased respiration of carbon-rich
detritus. However, no experimental evidence exists to prove microbial
respiration is higher on smaller, fragmented detrital particles. 2.
Using aquaria-reared Antarctic krill faecal pellets we showed
fragmentation increased microbial particulate organic carbon (POC)
turnover by 70 %, but only on brown faecal pellets of low nutritional
value. Microbial POC turnover on un-and fragmented green faecal pellets
of higher nutritional value was equal. Thus we find particle size alone
is not enough to determine microbial activity, and the nutritional value
and age of the particle are important. 3. We estimate mesopelagic
zooplankton can potentially increase the proportion of essential
nutrients (e.g. unsaturated fatty acids) in their food by at least 11
%. In addition we propose ‘communal gardening’ may occur whereby other
mesopelagic organisms consume the particle and microbes gardened by a
neighbouring detritivore. 4. Increases in microbial turnover of detrital
POC reduces the sink of organic carbon in the ocean. Thus microbial
gardening should be represented in models forecasting the future carbon
cycle. Model parameterisations will require further understanding of the
energetic gains to zooplankton communities, how microbial gardening
influences other sinking particles such as detrital aggregates, and the
relative importance of biological (i.e. particle lability, size and age)
vs. physical (i.e. temperature and oxygen) constraints on gardening.