A westward-propagating Rossby-like wave signal is found to explain a
large fraction of the intraseasonal variance in cloud brightness over
the western hemisphere. A series of diagnostic criteria suggest that
this wave is a moisture mode: its moisture anomalies dominate the
distribution of moist static energy (MSE) and are in phase with the
precipitation anomalies; and the thermodynamic equation obeys the weak
temperature gradient approximation. The wave propagates westward due to
zonal moisture advection by the mean flow and is maintained by radiative
heating and meridional moisture advection. These properties compare
favorably with the westward propagating Rossby mode in an equatorial
beta-plane model with prognostic moisture, mean meridional moisture
gradient, and mean zonal wind. These results underscore the importance
of water vapor in the dynamics of slowly evolving tropical systems, and
the limitations of dry shallow water theory that rely on a “reduced
equivalent depth” to represent moist dynamics.